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01 about Harley Brown


Harley Brown was raised in the Canadian town of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. In his teen years, he and his family moved to the great "Stampede" city of Calgary, Alberta. It was there he went to the Alberta College of Fine Art and began to draw and paint the Old West.  He also played the honky-tonk piano in an eccentric Calgary nightclub.



He has been a member of the National Academy of Western Art since 1977 and has acquired numerous awards in a number of national art events.


Eager to share his knowledge, Harley Brown has conducted hundreds of invariably sold-out workshops and demonstrations in the US and abroad.  He has illustrated many magazine covers and authored numerous articles on art techniques, as well as his best selling books, "Confessions of a Starving Artist", "Harley Brown's Eternal Truth for Every Artist" and "Harley Brown's Inspiration for Every Artist". 


His regular column and insightful Bon mots can be seen in International Artist magazine.


Harley Brown's Eternal Truths for Every Artist


02 portfolio


03 inspiration

In episode 104, renowned Dark Artist, Chet Zar interviews 80-year-old old fine artist Harley Brown. Topics covered include:


  • growing up in Moose Jaw

  • getting kicked out of art school

  • life in the 50's and 60's

  • selling his artwork door to door

  • becoming accepted by his peers and gaining success

  • Native American portraits

  • horror movies

  • advice for young artists and a TON more!

    This is the longest episode we have done yet! Chet answers a bunch of your questions from Instagram in the beginning and as a bonus, you will get a Harley Brown impromptu piano jam!

04 subscribe

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